You Were Born Rich, Are You?

Why do some people succeed and others fail. The difference lies in your faith and commitment to what you wanted to achieve, backed by solid action without any fear. Only those who dare to take a plunge, swim!

You Were Born Rich

I am a great fan of Bob Proctor and his book “You Were Born Rich”. I have seen his seminars on YouTube; they are simply mind boggling in all the right senses of the world. He stirs up your mind; he inspires you to be what you want to be. I have a deep desire, to one day, personally attend his seminars, and I sure will.

Irrespective of our nationality, cast, color, belief or faith we are all gifted, exceptions apart, with the same intelligence, thinking power, organs and capabilities. Ideally, we should therefore be equally competitive and worthy to face the world ahead.

One thing that comes to my mind, and I am sure there will be many who also must be wondering on the same issue that, when we all were born rich, what happened to our riches? Where, how and why many have lost it? This question is pertinent as the world has over 75% of its population living in poetry, wealth, knowledge and resources to survive, or just managing to survive. In other words we all have successfully managed to waste or throw away three fourth of our resources that we owned when we first came on this earth.

I fully understand that our circumstances at the time of our birth were way different then they are today. But then that will be a very simplistic approach to analyze present state of those who could not or are not making a decent living. The real reason is that people are very shy to do an honest reflection on what and how they have been treating their own self. They allow their ignorance to take over their own faculty of knowledge. So why would knowledge come to them. Their minds have no room or space for knowledge, as simple as that.

The Vacuum Law of Prosperity

Bob Proctor discusses this beautifully in the chapter on “The Vacuum Law of Prosperity”. As you cannot enter an overcrowded train or room, knowledge and understanding cannot come in you conscious mind until there is space for it to enter. People have stuffed their mind with their past, feelings of vengeance, resentment and guilt to the extent that there is no space left for positive thoughts, feelings or plans to enter. Why are people so possessive of the negativity? They simply do not let it go.

Why do people do that? Knowing fully well that this will not take them anywhere?

Well I get baffled? But then what else can you call it other than “ignorance”. Only if they know that if they rid their mind with this entire negative state of mind, they can see the path to prosperity.

Does this have something to do with being comfortable with their present state? Why take the bother to work hard, I will only get what I am getting. Well the grass is always green on the other side, what if is not? And similar arguments to console oneself.

This state of mind may give someone temporary relief that why shake up the comfortable state that I am in, but in the long run acts like shackles on one’s progress.

In this state of mind, only those, as explained by Bob Proctor, only those move forward who use their faculty of rationalized understanding and reasoning and act decisively on their resolve to achieve what they want to over powering all and any objections from people around them.

Prosperity Formula

If one desires to get prosperous, become successful, then what is needed is a firm resolve backed by knowledge, faith and understanding that one already has what he wants. There is no room for doubt, fear or anxiety. Taking risk by getting out of the comfort zone is a prerequisite to achieve one’s goal.

As Bob Proctor explains, a baby is a born risk taker. When a baby is learning to turn in the bed, he falls a couple of times, it hurts but then he achieves the ability to turn in the bed. He falls in his first attempt to stand, gets hurt but never stops until he perfects the art of standing, walking and running. Why can’t we learn from the baby how to get our lost riches back? All it needs is a resolve to recapture the losses. After all we have crossed all this successfully when we were babies.

It’s all in us, ready to act. We have to make up our mind to get out of the comfort zone and reclaim what is genuinely ours.

Now before I go, here is something I want you to read very carefully. What if I told you a secret platform that I just joined and follow religiously – “7 Steps To Results Guide”, As I watched their video, I instantly developed a pull towards it, the pull of faith in the system and guess what? Over 40,000 average, ordinary people like me are following this guide and most are earning $ 100 to $ 500 per day.

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Don’t you think that you’re coming to this post is not a mere coincidence? Think about it!

The time to act is now, not even today!

For your prosperity!