105 Weight Loss Solutions Vol I….Coming Soon!

Health and wellness are the most important concerns of people today. With increasing awareness of why and how to lead a healthy life, weight loss, dieting and slimming has become an integral part of today’s lifestyle. Here we discuss how to lead a healthy life so that healthy people can live healthier.

I firmly believe that everyone should lead a healthy and fit lifestyle. I also think it is never too late to begin your quest towards fitness. You may think you’re too fat or too old to start now, but that’s not true. In this book I will tell you how you can set simple goals for yourself and achieve what you’ve been thinking of as ‘nearly impossible results’. The good news is it’s all very possible.


Different people have different metabolisms that break down fat into energy. It is true that some people have to work a little too hard to lose weight, whereas others seem to be getting the same results by putting in almost no effort at all, but that shouldn’t be your excuse for not trying. Besides, it’s not just about slimming down and looking nice, but about leading a healthy lifestyle as well.


In the recent years, obesity rates have skyrocketed and scientists are well on their way to declaring it a global epidemic. Carrying all those extra kilos on your body could be taking a serious toll on your health, leaving you susceptible to diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular problems.


Obese people also tend to have less energy and they automatically veer towards a low-activity, sedentary lifestyle. This leads to an unfortunate and vicious circle. Less active people are at a greater risk of gaining more weight and the more fat they accumulate, the less active they tend to be. Over time, trivial tasks, such as climbing up a flight of stairs, can lead to exhaustion and a sense of premature aging.


Being overweight can affect your mental health as well, leading to lower self-esteem, anxiety, and eating disorders, such as bulimia and anorexia. Fat people also tend to be the butt of a lot of jokes, which can send them into severe depression. In such situations, the simplest of problems become overwhelming and it’s not unnatural for them to develop a slightly negative perspective towards life.


I think it’s time you wake up and tell yourself, “Enough is enough! Things have got to change. I need to lose some weight!


If you are determined enough, it’s possible to turn your life around. You’ll be surprised to know how many things are related to your health. Starting from your performance at work to your relationships to even your worldview, everything is tied to your lifestyle. Once you lose those extra kilos, you will automatically be happier. Those old pair of favorite jeans might just fit again, making you feel better about yourself, and you’ll be able to tackle life with renewed positivity.


In this book I have consolidated some rarely talked about tips and tricks that will help you drop those kilos. Exercise isn’t the only thing that counts, diet is equally important. However, that doesn’t mean you cut down on your favorite meals immediately and survive on only fruits and raw vegetable.


In my book, I am going to take a sensible and holistic approach towards weight loss. You’ll read about how to maintain a healthy diet and strike the perfect balance between your physical activity and food habits. From power foods that boost your metabolism to high impact exercises, my book covers the entire gamut of weight loss and all associated topics.


So, if you are ready to turn your life around and lead a happier and healthier life, pick this book up and get on the road to fat loss! I can guarantee this is going to be one life-changing road trip!